Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Episode 81: The Linx Effect
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
The larder in the Something Who bunker is a bit bare and it all looks bleak until the stars start falling and there may be a chance to boost our Apple Podcasts rating.
This time we're looking at how journalist and companion Sarah Jane Smith was introduced in both the original and new series. First we'll look at 3rd Doctor story The Time Warrior from Season 11, and after that we'll examine 10th Doctor outing School Reunion from Series 2. This episode consists of the first half of that conversation, featuring The Time Warrior. Next time we'll move onto School Reunion.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Giles' book A History of the Universe in 21 Stars: (and 3 Imposters) can be found in all good bookshops and also here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Universe-21-Stars-Imposters/dp/1787394654/
Head over to https://www.bigfinish.com/, where we all love Paul's stories.
Richard has another podcast with new co-host Nicola, called "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" and it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. Go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work for more.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can see some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Episode 80: Elizabeth Morton
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
In a slight departure for Something Who, here's an interview with Elizabeth Morton - actor and writer of historical fiction.
Elizabeth talks to Richard about writing, and her most recent book. We chat about her life and career, having a northern heritage, and what it's been like for Elizabeth to be the odd one out in a family that just can't get away from Doctor Who.
Elizabeth's latest novel, written as Eliza Morton, is The Orphans from Liverpool Lane, a Pan paperback described as "A warm yet gritty saga set in Liverpool in the 1940s from the acclaimed author of Angel of Liverpool." You can get it from your bookseller of choice, or this one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Orphans-Liverpool-Lane-heartwarming-emotional-ebook/dp/B0BM9VN5CT
Richard has another podcast with new co-host Nicola, called "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" and it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. Go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work for more.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can see some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Episode 79: Munro Bagging
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Doctor Who Podcast Day might be thing of the past, but it gave us the impetus to get the podcast back out there and here's the second part of our Rona Munro story pairing - 7th Doctor story Survival from Season 26, and, mostly this time, 12th Doctor outing The Eaters of Light from Series 10.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Giles' book A History of the Universe in 21 Stars: (and 3 Imposters) can be found in all good bookshops and also here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Universe-21-Stars-Imposters/dp/1787394654/
Head over to https://www.bigfinish.com/, where we all love Paul's stories.
Richard has another podcast with new co-host Nicola, called "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" and it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. And also what makes a great workplace, how to turn things round when we're not enjoying our work and, in the end, how we can all make our work better. Go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work for more.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can get hold of the prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Episode 78: Survival Instinct
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
It's been a long old wait, but mainly because it took Richard so long to edit. And, excitingly, our first new episode for a couple of months arrives on Doctor Who Podcast Day #DWPD
After we've survived a story about film collectors, we chat about a couple of stories with the same writer - unique across the original and new series.
First we'll look at 7th Doctor story Survival from Season 26, and after that we'll examine 12th Doctor outing The Eaters of Light from Series 10. This episode consists the first half of that conversation, featuring Survival. Next time we'll move onto The Eaters of Light.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Giles' book A History of the Universe in 21 Stars: (and 3 Imposters) can be found in all good bookshops and also here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Universe-21-Stars-Imposters/dp/1787394654/
Head over to https://www.bigfinish.com/, where we all love Paul's stories.
Richard has another podcast with new co-host Nicola, called "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" and it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. And also what makes a great workplace, how to turn things round when we're not enjoying our work and, in the end, how we can all make our work better. Go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work for more.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can get hold of the prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Friday May 12, 2023
Episode 77: Absolutely Capital!
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Just a week after we gave you the first half, here's the original Something Who team chatting again about a couple of stories that are capitalist allegories. We finish off our look at 4th Doctor story The Sunmakers from Season 15, and then move onto 12th Doctor outing Oxygen from Series 10.
As ever, keep listening to the end for our outtakes.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Giles' book A History of the Universe in 21 Stars: (and 3 Imposters) can be found in all good bookshops and also here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Universe-21-Stars-Imposters/dp/1787394654/
Head over to https://www.bigfinish.com/, where we all love Paul's stories.
Richard has another podcast with new co-host Nicola, called "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" and it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. And also what makes a great workplace, how to turn things round when we're not enjoying our work and, in the end, how we can all make our work better. Go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work for more.
The opening music is Three Guitars Mood 2 and, yes, that is Richard playing the ukulele and kazoo on possibly the worst ever version of the Doctor Who theme tune at the end.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can get hold of the prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Sunday May 07, 2023
Episode 76: Plutocracy
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
After an interlude for several special episodes, we've brought back the original Something Who team, and after a close encounter with an AI bot we chat about a couple of stories that are capitalist allegories.
First we'll look at 4th Doctor story The Sunmakers from Season 15, and after that we'll examine 12th Doctor outing Oxygen from Series 10. This episode consists the first half of that conversation, featuring The Sumakers. Next time we'll have more to say on The Sunmakers, then move onto Oxygen
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Giles' book A History of the Universe in 21 Stars: (and 3 Imposters) can be found in all good bookshops and also here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Universe-21-Stars-Imposters/dp/1787394654/
Head over to https://www.bigfinish.com/, where we all love Paul's stories.
Richard has another podcast with new co-host Nicola, called "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" and it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. And also what makes a great workplace, how to turn things round when we're not enjoying our work and, in the end, how we can all make our work better. Go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work for more.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can get hold of the prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Episode 75: Omnirumour 10th Anniversary Special Part 2
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Here's part 2 of our Omnirumour 10th Anniversary Special.
On 29th March 2013, the DWO fan site said that 'a classic series related announcement' was coming and hinted that it was missing episodes related. In June of that year, the Bleeding Cool website ran a story suggesting that a large number of missing Doctor Who episodes had been found. Then Ian Levine tweeted about “three tons of evidence”. An e-mail, purportedly from a Radio Wiltshire DJ, but showing signs of mixed authorship was being passed between fans and excitement on the forums reached fever pitch. Lots of rumours were passed around and the number of episodes found was often said to be 90.
Finally in October the Radio Times announced that newly-discovered lost Patrick Troughton episodes would be made available for digital download within a week. It was proof, surely, that all the rumours were true? But after The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear were released, that was it. And ten years later we still don’t know the truth of it, and people still discuss their theories on forums.
There’s a name given to all this madness - the Omnirumour. And on the tenth anniversary of it gaining broad publicity within fandom, I’m with two fellow-sufferers - Tim and Giles. We’ve all spent more time than we care to recount pondering these matters. In this episode of Something Who we’ll chew over what we know for sure, what can’t be true and some of the things that might be true. And finally give you our personal opinions.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Giles' book A History of the Universe in 21 Stars: (and 3 Imposters) can be found in all good bookshops and also here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Universe-21-Stars-Imposters/dp/1787394654/
Tim's podcast Doctor Who: The Missing Episodes Podcast is essential listening for anyone interested in this topic and can be found here: https://missingepisodes.podbean.com/
Richard's other podcast "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" is currently on hiatus, but it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. And also what makes a great workplace, how to turn things round when we're not enjoying our work and, in the end, how we can all make our work better. For all episodes, go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can get hold of the prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Episode 74: Omnirumour 10th Anniversary Special
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
On 29th March 2013, the DWO fan site said that 'a classic series related announcement' was coming and hinted that it was missing episodes related. In June of that year, the Bleeding Cool website ran a story suggesting that a large number of missing Doctor Who episodes had been found. Then Ian Levine tweeted about “three tons of evidence”. An e-mail, purportedly from a Radio Wiltshire DJ, but showing signs of mixed authorship was being passed between fans and excitement on the forums reached fever pitch. Lots of rumours were passed around and the number of episodes found was often said to be 90.
Finally in October the Radio Times announced that newly-discovered lost Patrick Troughton episodes would be made available for digital download within a week. It was proof, surely, that all the rumours were true? But after The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear were released, that was it. And ten years later we still don’t know the truth of it, and people still discuss their theories on forums.
There’s a name given to all this madness - the Omnirumour. And on the tenth anniversary of it gaining broad publicity within fandom, I’m with two fellow-sufferers - Tim and Giles. We’ve all spent more time than we care to recount pondering these matters. In this episode of Something Who we’ll chew over what we know for sure, what can’t be true and some of the things that might be true.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Giles' book A History of the Universe in 21 Stars: (and 3 Imposters) can be found in all good bookshops and also here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Universe-21-Stars-Imposters/dp/1787394654/
Tim's podcast Doctor Who: The Missing Episodes Podcast is essential listening for anyone interested in this topic and can be found here: https://missingepisodes.podbean.com/
Richard's other podcast "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" is currently on hiatus, but it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. And also what makes a great workplace, how to turn things round when we're not enjoying our work and, in the end, how we can all make our work better. For all episodes, go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can get hold of the prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Episode 73: Doctor Who Am I?
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Here's another of our special episodes.
Over a year ago our podcast Twitter account was followed by Matthew Jacobs, the writer of the TV Movie. This was both exciting and terrifying in equal measure, as we'd just made an episode that featured the TV Movie, that had not been entirely complimentary. We became aware that Matthew was promoting an independent film called Doctor Who Am I? And recently Richard took the chance to watch it on DVD, though it's now widely available in the UK on a variety of platforms.
So, excitingly, in this episode, Richard talks with Matthew and Vanessa Yuille who created the film together. This is funny and sometimes deep conversation about the nature of being a fan, with the added excitement of someone with a pneumatic drill attacking the outside of Matthew's apartment. We talk about Vanessa and Matthew's journey with the film, US fans and conventions, and we touch on Matthew's childhood connection with the with Doctor Who, when his father played Doc Holliday in The Gunfighters.
Thanks to Vanessa and Matthew for sharing your stories and for the generous donation of your time.
Follow them on Twitter: @vyuille, @MJBJacobs, @docwhoami
Doctor Who Am I? is widely available in the UK on DVD and Blu-ray https://www.amazon.co.uk/Doctor-Who-Am-I-Blu-ray/dp/B0BGPYV3SD/, also on Amazon Prime: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Doctor-Who-Am-Daphne-Ashbrook/dp/B0B8Q734H3/, Britbox https://watch.britbox.co.uk/ and ITVX https://www.itv.com/.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Richard's other podcast "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" is currently on hiatus, but it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. And also what makes a great workplace, how to turn things round when we're not enjoying our work and, in the end, how we can all make our work better. For all episodes, go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can get hold of the prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Episode 72: Steve Manfred
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
After our chat last time about the story The Doctor's Wife, we were contacted by long time fan and sometime Something Who listener Steve Manfred, who had something of a hand in the genesis of the story.
Steve discusses his friendship with the author Neil Gaiman, how that led to him having a consultancy role on Neil Gaiman's two Doctor Who stories, and he corrects some of more egregious mistakes, as well as answering some of the questions we had posed.
Thanks to Steve for sharing his stories and for the generous donation of his time.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com
Giles' book A History of the Universe in 21 Stars: (and 3 Imposters) can be found in all good bookshops and also here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Universe-21-Stars-Imposters/dp/1787394654/
Richard's other podcast "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" is currently on hiatus, but it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. And also what makes a great workplace, how to turn things round when we're not enjoying our work and, in the end, how we can all make our work better. For all episodes, go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work.
Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can get hold of the prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.